Po pierwszym dniu pobytu w Anuradhapurze Bronio i Staś wracają do hotelu bardzo późno. To jest właśnie ta noc, kiedy Witkacy pisze list do władz Cejlonu, wyjaśniając motywy swego samobójstwa, którego jednak nie popełnia. Chce jednak wyjaśnić, że Bronisław Malinowski nie będzie temu winien i pragnie oczyścić go z ewentualnych zarzutów. Co jeszcze Witkacy napisał – przeczytacie poniżej.

2 VII 1914, Anuradhapura

Explications for the Authority of Ceylon

After having lost my bride who has suicided herself, I would befor[e] 4 months kill myself. My Family has concealed me to make a journey. My friend (the one of my two best friends) was just going for New Guinea in a scientific Expedition.

He was so kind that he has lent me £ 50 to the sum, I have had, and has taken me in a very bad psychical state with him and on account of it has had many troubles. He was so good as a best brother. And 1 am very sorry that I must do him than unjustice and leave him in his danger- oes tripes. But I see that the travelling instead of improving my state makes me a horrible pain. Because I see the bea[u]tyfull things that She never will see and this makes me most unhappy. More as 1 was before it.

I am writing it in scope that my dearest Friend Dr Malinowski has no troubles on account of my death to make him avoid any formalities and inquiry, that can make him too late for his ship. That is my last will that he does not be disturbed on account of me in his journey because he must be in Australia for the Congress of British Association. It would be for me a very great pain that I instead to be gratefull to him have made him any trouble.

Excuse me my horrible English Yours
S. I. Witkiewicz m.p.

[Dopisek ołówkiem na marginesie:]

Broniu Kochany.
Pomyślisz, że to kabotyństwo.
Nie życzę Ci, abyś kiedy cząstkę tego przecier­

piał co ja.
[Koperta z nadrukiem:]

Clarke’s Botanic Hotel, North Terrace, Adelaide.
Telephone 665

B. Malinowski
Otworzyć w razie śmierci

[Na odwrotnej stronie koperty:]

H. M.
To the Autorities or Pol (ice) of Ceylon or given
St. Ignacy Witkiewicz Explications

[późniejszy dopisek autora listu:]

12 VII 1914, Anuradhapura